Isaac Spencer
Aerospace Engineer & Software Developer
Hello, I’m Isaac, and I am an undergraduate student at Wichita State University. I’m pursuing a degree in Aerospace Engineering with a minor in Computer Science.
I am used to using CATIA & 3D Experience for 3D modeling. I have completed my college’s course in the field, and have done work for my internship designing and modeling different parts and assemblies. I have recently began learning more advanced surface modeling, however I’m still new to this.
Programming is the skill i have the most experience in. I worked as a part-time web developer for a year and a half for my current internship. I maintained and pushed features for their in-house timekeeping system. This allowed me to learn the world of web development through working on a live project. That project uses ASP.NET as its framework of choice. This gave me experience working with a fully integrated server-based website.
In my personal time I have worked on learning different web frameworks, first starting with Vue, then Svelte, then React. These each gave me an understanding of how the web is designed and the pros and cons of each framework. My current favorite stack is called the AHA Stack. This is a mixture of Astro for the server as well as HTMX for simple hypermedia-based interaction, and finally Alpine.js for client side JavaScript without writing much JavaScript. Astro is the server-side framework running this very website.
I have also experimented with creating my own web server, primarily in Go. This was a fun experience for me. Unfortunately I found it tedious to have to manage every separate part of the server so instead I have recently found myself attracted to more out-of-the-box solutions such as Astro.
Outside of web development I have frequently found myself using python for any engineering-focused programming. The primary project I’m referring to is a CLI-based calculator for solving the internal forces of trusses. You can find it as a pinned project on my GitHub profile.
For my Computer Science minor I have taken two courses that they have taught in C++. This has given me a better understanding of the low-level processes and ideas that are often abstracted away in high-level languages.
Below I have listed the programming languages I’d consider myself sufficient in.
- Python
- JavaScript & TypeScript
- C#
- Lua
I am also very familiar with the syntax and have a general understanding of how to code in these languages as well.
- Go
- C++